The ingredients behind Hennessy V.S.O.P have survived wars, extreme weather conditions and unknown variables. Yet after more than 250 years, the cognac still tastes exactly the same. This project celebrates the craft that goes into making this cognac precisely the same year after year.
With director, Ben Tricklebank, we created Harmony. Mastered From Chaos. a film and immersive online experience that showed every step to making Hennessy V.S.O.P.
The site used a rich, interactive approach rarely seen in the spirits category. It integrated live action, LiDAR scans, 3D point clouds, CG, Web GL and interactive sound illustrating the unpredictable elements the cognac is faced with during the development process. Then, as users interacted with each step, they discovered the expertise it takes to make the perfect cognac.
View site walkthrough here.
View site walkthrough here.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how we brought it all to life.